How deep the volcanic tunnels go into the earth know what harm it will cause

People get scared as soon as they hear the name of volcano. Because the lava coming out of the volcano has the ability to destroy areas hundreds of kilometers away from it. Do you know how many kilometers deep into the earth the volcanic tunnels go? Today we will tell you how many kilometers deep the volcanic tunnel makes its way inside.

When and why does a volcano erupt?

First of all let us know how a volcano erupts. Let us tell you that a volcano is a kind of mountain, under which there is a lot of molten lava. In fact, there is a huge amount of geothermal energy within the Earth. In such a situation, due to this energy the stones melt and turn into lava. When this lava creates upward pressure, the mountain bursts and is called a volcano. According to science, when tectonic plates inside the Earth rub against each other, the energy generated from it causes the stones to melt. After which these molten stones and gases create upward pressure, due to which the mountain bursts and turns into a volcano.

volcanic tunnel

No claim can be made about how deep the tunnel can reach after the volcano erupts. Because the more powerful the volcano is, the more lava will come out of it and the farther it will go. In simple language, you can understand that the more powerful the volcanic mountain is, the more lava is present in it, the longer it can make a tunnel with its pressure. It can be more than 10 kilometers, 30 kilometers. At the same time, when there is pressure on that mountain, it will explode, due to which an equal amount of lava will come out of it.

super volcano

Let us tell you that only powerful and big volcanoes are called super volcanoes. In simple language, a volcano which erupts more than 240 cubic miles of material at one place is called a super volcano. According to the information, the last time such a big volcano erupted was in the year 1538. This explosion was so dangerous that because of it a new mountain was formed in the Bay of Naples.

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